Megatyper Software

Megatyper Software

Free Download Megatyper Software:

By Using Our Invitation Codes
5AJ5               5AK5               5AKA
You Can Use Our Software For Free. Register Now For Free
By Using Our Invitaion Codes      5AJ5    5AK5    5AKA
After Completing Registration Send Your Megatyper Email And Password On For Your Account Authorization to Use The Software.

Note: If Invitation Code Box Does Not Appear Than Refresh The Page.
       You Can Add All MegaTypers Account. If You Use Our Invitation Code.

Frequently Ask Questions:
1.Can we banned using this Program?

Ans. Possible. Even in the site you will get banned if you type slower and kick out too often.. So in order not to get banned, solve the captcha before the times run out. captchas will be solved before 10 seconds. but if you get banned, don't worry it's just a temporary banned for 10 minutes, After that you can log and solve captchas again.

2.Can we get banned creating more account?
Ans. Yes you will get banned creating more accounts, if you register other of your accounts as your referrals. Do not take advantage of the referral system.. But you can register multiple accounts via an invitation code.

3.Why do you need the username and password?
Ans. I have my own panel of the software. I will put your username and password in my database to host your accounts and can log-in in the software. It's just like you are logging-in to the website of megatypers. so In order you can log-in in the software i need to verify your username and password in my database panel..

4.Why it says "Unauthorized" when I try to login to my account in the program?

Ans. Its been unauthorized because like what i've in question number 3. It must be verify in my database panel. To be authorize i will add your username and password in my database panel.

5.Have you been paid with more than 1 account while using this program?
Ans. You will be paid more than 1 account as long as you are using different names, payment details per account.

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